Short synopsis A film crew follows Roya, an Iranian girl, through the streets of Amsterdam. After having been denied refugee status she has decided to stay in Amsterdam, illegally. From then on she lives a rough life on the streets, trying to survive, find food and shelter while also pursuing what makes her happy. Attempting to capture the experiences of an undocumented refugee, the film crew follows Roya at a distance. However, it becomes difficult for the crew not to intervene over the course of the film. Prizes: Best feature film - Indian Cine Film Festival (2015) Best feature film audience award - Scenecs International Debut Film Festival (2015) Official Website: Dance Iranian Style |
Director: Farshad Aria Screenwriter: Nafiss Nia DoP/1st Camera: Stefano Bertacchini 2nd Camera: Zeblong Ngobese Sound: Gerben KokMeijer Genre: Docu-fiction Length: 82 minutes Image: Black &White / Colour Language: Persian, English, Dutch Subtitles: English Premiere: 2015 |